Downton Abbey Tea Party

Now that we have covered the basics, here is how to do your own Downton Abbey Tea Party.  Dine like the Dowager with elegance and style. When I watched Downtown Abbey I had serious tea set envy. Let’s start with six people. Royal Dalton tea set Table supplies 6 cups and saucers 6 small teaspoons.  Place one spoon on each saucer. Milk and sugar bowl – I prefer whole-fat milk for tea. It is a much creamier taste six sandwich plates...

Great British Baking Show Signature Chocolate Cake

I was recently asked to bake a chocolate cake for our friends birthday. I got the idea to make the GBBS signature choclate cake. I used a vanilla sponge as I did not want to overlaod on the chocolate. Not a problem for me the more chocolate the better. However, not everybody likes the intense chocolate cake ( I do not know what is wrong with them!) I used butter cream frosting and even if I say so myself I think I nailed it . The cake was a...

Lusty Beg Island – Ireland’s Best Kept Secret

Lusty Beg Island – Ireland’s Best Kept Secret We visited Ireland in 2023, and I wanted to find a place of peace and quiet after a turbulent year in my life. I asked around, and the Island of Lusty Beg in Fermanagh was recommended. After doing some research, I decided to book a three-night stay with my daughter. Lusty Beg is a small island in Kesh, County Fermanagh Northern Island. Lusty Beg is Irish for “little lodge.” Getting There...